Awakening the soul through tantra. Tantra for everyone

tantra retreat in june 2025 with Anke Schulz in Cantabria, Spain


In multi-day tantric retreats, we delve deeper into Tantra using the energy of the group and taking advantage of the bonds that are created in these days between the people who embark on the retreat journey.

I usually work very intuitively since each group has different needs. These are shown on the first day and with that information I make the proposals always with the intention of helping everyone open their hearts.

From my experience, the most important thing in working in the room is creating a safe space for all members. This helps people gradually become aware of where their limits, difficulties are and what limiting beliefs they have developed throughout their lives due to traumatic situations experienced (whether they are conscious or not).

I use tantric massage a lot, because our body does not lie and that is where the healing is. It is there where the energies are blocked by our emotional patterns, and we intoxicate our physical body with our negative thoughts.
When we regain confidence in our body, a healing process begins.

We will experience different types of massages that will help us to open our hearts, release blockages, recover to feel pleasure and relax the nervous system to come back, feel fully alive and take this state of well being home with us.

There is also time for enjoyment, creativity, activities in nature, dancing, laughter, gong baths, sauna…

If you have any questions I will be happy to help you. Contact me without any obligation by CLICKING HERE

  • Fecha : 27 junio 2025 - 29 junio 2025
  • Hora : 17:30 - 16:30 (UTC+1)

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