Listen to your heart: Tantra and connection as a couple (Cantabria)

tantra couples retreat in may 2025 with Anke Schulz


«True intimacy is a spiritual and emotional journey, and requires persistent, dedicated and conscious work. It is a journey of two souls coming together in the search for truth, self-knowledge and deep love. When we commit With this journey, we also commit to learning from difficulties, conflicts, disappointments and challenges, as all of this allows us to grow and get closer to ourselves and intimacy.” (Krishnananda and Amana Trobe: The Flow of Love)

A tantra retreat is a space where we first take a vacation from daily routines and obligations, which distance us from our partner, passion and interest in each other. Many times we forget that love is like a plant that must be taken care of every day…

In this retreat we are going to learn how to cultivate love and our sexuality in a more conscious way, from deep relaxation and surrender without the expectations to which we are accustomed. To do this we will use techniques that Tantra offers us and above all its most powerful tool; tantric massage.

Through the massage we will experience again the innocence and spontaneity that we felt when we met our partner for the first time, taking it to a higher level; one where love and true connection arise from a state of relaxation, presence and total surrender.

We are going to dedicate quality time to our partner and stop doing things to relax into being, creating a safe, loving space free of judgment.


✔️Keys that build and maintain a relationship: friendship, passion, a project together and trust.

✔️How to handle difficult situations that prevent us from seeing others with eyes of love: identifying when we get emotional, taking distance and honest communication.

✔️Live your feminine/masculine qualities and experience their importance and the impact that blocked energy has on our lives.

✔️Identify the role we are adopting in the couple and the projections we place on the other.

✔️Touch the other without expectations and know the polarities in men and women.

✔️Circulate the energy in the second chakra and make the love encounter a meditation.

✔️Deep into love and intimacy.

✔️You will regain the desire to be sexually intimate with your partner

✔️You will learn to extend love encounters, experiencing satisfaction at a bodily level and the union between two souls.

✔️You will learn to touch and give the pleasure that your partner needs so that their body opens, unlocking their heart. If the heart is closed there can be no true connection.

✔️You will be able to identify your feelings and needs both on a sexual and emotional level and express them.

✔️You will acquire the ability to synchronize your sexual energy with that of your partner to create a deep connection between the body, heart, mind and spirit.

✔️You will learn to get rid of the layers that prevent you from being intimate with your partner from your true self and set healthy limits in a loving way.

✔️You will experience the importance of sexual pleasure as a path to healing the body and soul.

✔️In the massage you will learn to circulate your sexual energy throughout the body to increase your orgasmic capacity. That energy is transformed into creative energy that will allow you to focus it to improve any area of ​​your life.

  • Fecha : 23 mayo 2025 - 25 mayo 2025
  • Hora : 17:30 - 16:30 (UTC+1)
  • Lugar : El jardín de las magnolias Hotel

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