imagen de Anke Schulz terapeuta y masajista tántrica. También realiza retiros de tantra

About me

Anke Schulz, I’m from Berlin, Germany.

We were born to evolve and vibrate in love.

In my workshops and retreats as well as in individual therapy with people and in my own process, the goal is to let go of everything that prevents us from vibrating in the frequency of love.

I have worked for many years in the civil aviation sector but my true passion is the world of art, the path of personal development and spiritual growth, which has led me to train as a therapist, in different fields.

my training as a therapist

Germany, Spain and Brazil


After an initiation to Tantra with Homa and Mukto in Brazil, and already in the Basque Country, I continued my training in Tantra with Xavi Domenech ( In 2015/2016 I received the training of “Tantra del corazón” with Maite Domenech ( ) in Barcelona, as well as “Tantra for women”.

I also participated in Tantra for women by Santoshi Amor and Premamui in Madrid in 2018 ( )

In 2016 I started with Tantra initiation workshops in Bilbao and I have opened up to the world of tantric massages.

In 2017 I did the tantric massage and sacred healing training with Verma Rodriguez ( ) in Barcelona.

Since then I left the technical world and entered the world of feeling and loving. I am currently a tantric therapist in the team of Daya school of Verma Rodríguez, Barcelona ( ).

I work with individual and couple tantric massage and teach this millenary technique to couples in Bilbao and occasionally in Mallorca. I give Tantra workshops in Bilbao and Tantra retreats in Spain.

When everything is in balance we vibrate in love, like nature.

masaje tantrico con Anke Schulz


For many years I took part in teaching Yoga, at the Sivananda Y8 art and yoga center in Hamburg (Germany). Also in Germany I discovered the wonderful therapy of hormon yoga therapy, according to Dinah Rodriguez. A technique to regulate the hormonal level naturally and thus help the symptoms of menopause or any hormonal problem in women to disappear through breathing exercises, postures and Bandhas.

In 2010, I decided to do the training as a teacher of Hatha Yoga with Sivananda Yoga in Nassau, Bahamas


I’m trained in “Learning Love 1 and 2” in Osheanic, Brazil, with Dr. Thomas Trobe and Amana Trobe (Krishnananda and Amana) specialists in therapies to cure “Shock and Trauma” ( )

I also participated in workshops with Mike Hellwig in Hamburg (Germany) to receive training on the subject of the inner child and “Trauma constellations” with Professor Franz Ruppert in Munich, Germany (


In 2010 I began my trainings in movement and expressive dance, which always fascinated me. I took part in different workshops of 5 rhythms movement, soulmotion dance, medicine movement, contact dance and improvisation with several certified teachers, among which are:

Edgar Spieker Soulmotion dance at Kirche der Stille, Hamburg. ( ),( ) Tom Schulz ( ), Hamburg, Noelia Ruiz ( ), Barcelona Dance 5 rhythms, certified teachers.

Willemijn de Dreu ( ), Barcelona, Alain Allard( ), Barcelona, Madrid, Sangeet( ), Germany. Advanced level of the 5 “Hearbeat” rhythms.

Trinidad Martinez, (Murcia/Hamburg)( ), Marisa Brugaloras (Murcia), Scott Davis (Seattle, Washington) workshops of contact dance.
Ingo Reulecke (Berlin, Germany)( ), Markus Hoft (Bremen, Germany), Improvisation theatre workshops.


In 2014 my passion for the art of painting lead me to receive art therapy classes with Meera Hashimoto, in Brazil.


Also in Brazil, I did the Ayurveda Yoga Massage training with Marcos Yucca.


I currently work in Bilbao, Basque Country. Since 2015 I run my own Ecstatic Emotion Dance classes and workshops.


I occasionally organize dance, movement and painting classes for mothers, fathers and children.

In 2018 I did the RED Training with segni mossi, movement and moving painting for children ( ), Alessandro Lumare and Simona Lobefaro (Rome)..


En 2016 hice el Training » In 2016 I did the Training “Music therapy applied to psycho-corporal work” with Marisol Roman Mateos, Espacio Rio Abierto, Bilbao ( )


in 2019 I participated 3 months in group processes of Cellular Transformation ( ) in DIMA Mallorca ( ) which is a process of transformation of liberating everything that we are not. Let go of the program that became our identity.